Furthermore, Ms. Burton has trained Science Teachers of Georgia for Professional Learning Development in the concentrated area of forensic science. Also, she facilitates numerous forensic science workshops, webinars, workshops and lectures at STEM-based science conferences. Her training includes, but not limited to the following concentrated area of forensic science, law enforcement, and education;

Crime Scene Technician
Latent Print Development
Fingerprint Classification
Latent Print Identification
Latent Print Processing
Basic ASP Baton
Collecting DNA Evidence at Property Crime Scene
Crime Scene and DNA Basics for DNA Analysts
Basic Photography
Blood Pattern Analysis
Crime Scene Investigation Certificate
Crime Zone CAD-Crime Scene Sketching
Size, Shape, & Surface Effects in Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
Crime Scene Reconstruction with Mannequins
BPA Court Room Demonstrative: Help Juries Understand Angle of Impact
Effective Expert Witness Testimony
Casting Techniques for Multiple Purposes Using Mikrosil, Casting Material
Metal Detectors for the Discovery of Metallic Evidence ( Training Course)
Marijuana – Certified Examiners Course
GBI Crime Lab for Officer – Module 1
GBI Crime Lab for Officer – Module 2
Buried Body & Surface Skeleton Workshop
Iphone, Ipad Apps for CSI (Training Course)
Evidence Collection & Preservation
Forensic Pieces of Crime Scene Certification Book Review Course Preparation
Basic Photography for Criminal Investigations
Evidence Presentation
Crime Scene Investigations
Bloodstain Documentation and Collection Methods